RHS Lacrosse Booster Club Info

Empowering excellence on and off the field, our Ridgefield Boys Lacrosse High School Booster Club is committed to fostering a supportive community dedicated to the growth, development, and success of our student-athletes. Through unwavering advocacy, fundraising initiatives, and volunteer efforts, we aim to provide essential resources, promote sportsmanship, and cultivate an enriching environment that enables our players to thrive academically, athletically, and personally.


Brendan Carney

Chris Couri

Kevin Kessler

Jay Penn

Deborah Penn

Jacqui Dowd

Lisa Schoenherr

Alex Lycoyannis

Please contact us at rhslaxct@gmail.com with any questions of if you are interested in volunteering.  Help is always needed with various items, including things like the end of year banquet, Senior night, fundraising, etc...